Year 1979
Marek Safjan, L’institution des familles de remplacement en Republique Populaire de Pologne, w: Droit Polonais Contemporain nr 4/1979, s. 35-50
Year 1986
David I. Roy, Jean-Louis Beaudo, Marek Safjan, Tomasz Dybowski (eds), Medicine, Ethics and Law: Canadian and Polish Perspectives, Centre for Bioethics. Clinical Reasearch Institut of Montreal, Montreal 1986
Year 1990
Marek Safjan, Le droit de l’enfant à l’identité biologique au regard de probleme de la protection de l`anonymat du donneur de semence en cas de d’insémination artificielle hétérologique, /w/ Rapports présentés au Congres Mondial de droit medical 1991, Gent 1991
Year 1991
Marek Safjan, Ignatowicz Jerzy, Verite et le statut juridique de la personne, w: Travaux d’Association Henri Capitant 1989 vol. XXXVIII
Year 1998
- Marek Safjan, The Constitutional Court: Crucial Problems and the Jurisdiction Against the Background of New Constitutional Regulation, w: Konstitucine justicija: Dabartis ir ateitis = Constitutional Justice: The present and the future, Constitutional Court, Vilnus 1998, s. 312-321
- Marek Safjan, La protection de la personne dans la recherche medicale, w: Biruta Petrykowska-Lewaszkiewicz (red.), Rapports Polonais presents an Quinzieme congres international de droit comparais (Bństol, 26.VII.-1.VIII.1998), Łódź 1998, s. 81-100
Year 2000
- Marek Safjan, La Constitution et l’adhesion de la Republique de Pologne a l’Union Europenne [przemówienie podczas seminarium Integration Europeenne et Droit constituionnel pod patronatem European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) oraz Prokuratora Generalnego Cypru, 29-30 września 2000, Nikozja]; przedruk w: Droit Polonais Contemporain 2000 nr 1-4,
- Marek Safjan, The idea of co-operation between the European constitutional courts Speach of the President of the Constitutional Tribunal, prof Marek Safjan, held during the inauguration session, w: Constitutional Jurisprudence in the Area of Freedom of religion and Beliefs. xfh Conference of the European Constitutional Courts. Warsaw: Office of the Constitutional Tribunal, 2000
- Marek Safjan, Bolesław Banaszkiewicz (współpraca), Role of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal in the Transformation ITom Totalitarianism to the Democratic Rule of Law. The First Period of Activity (1986-1989) Londyn, 24 lutego 2000 r.)
- Marek Safjan, The Constitution and the membership of the Republic of Poland in the European Union. European Integration and Constitutional Law, Unidem Seminar Nicosia (Cyprus) – 29-30, September 2000, European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus
Year 2001
- Marek Safjan, Kamil Zaradkiewicz (współpraca), Le consentement a l’intrevention medicale, w: Journal Intrenational de bioethique nr 1/2001, s. 29-41
- Marek Safjan, Constitution européenne, w: Europe 2004 Le grand debate. Setting the Agenda and Outlining the Options. Brussels, 15 and 16 October 2001, European Commission, Brussels 2001
Year 2002
- Marek Safjan, Constitutional Complaint – a Tentative Summary of the Early Experience, w: G. Harutjan (ed.), Almanac. Constitutional justice in the new millennium, NJAR, Yerevan 2002, s. 193-216
- Marek Safjan, Applicaability of Human Rights to Private Corporations /w/ Rapports polonais presentes au seizieme Congres International de Droit Comparé – Brisbane 2002 (red. B. Lewaszkiewicz Petrykowska), Wyd. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2002
- Marek Safjan, Applicability of Human Rights to Private Corporation [wystąpienie podczas XVI międzynarodowego kongresu prawa porównawczego, Brisbane 14-20 lipca 2002 r.], przedruk w Biruta Lewaszkiewicz-Petrykowska (red.), Rapports Polonais. Presentes au seizieme congres international de droit compare. Brisbane, 14-20 juillet 2002, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź 2002, s. 249-273
Year 2004
- Marek Safjan, Parallels of the Polish and Lithuanian Constitutional Review, w: Constitutional Justice and the Rule of Law. International Conference held to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius, 4 September 2003. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius 2004, s. 111-123.
Year 2005
- Marek Safjan, Justice constitutionnelle, justice ordinaire, justice supranationale : A qui revient la protection des droits fondamentaux en Europe ? /w/ Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle- XX 22004, Paris, Economica, 2005
- Marek Safjan, Responsibility of the Public Power as a Standard of State Ruled by Law / in/ Yerevan International Conference : The Legal Principles and Political Reality, Yerevan 2005
- Marek Safjan, Dilemmes de la passivite legislative après les decisions du Tribunal Constitutionnel /w/ L`aplicacio de les Decisions de les Juridiccionis Constitutionals, Andorra 2007
- Marek Safjan, L`enseignement de la bioéthique dans la Pologne postcommuniste, Journal International de Bioethique 2005, nr 3-
Year 2006
- Marek Safjan, Przemysław Mikłaszewicz, L’accès à l’information sur l’identité biologique dans le cas de procréation artificielle, (w:) Rapports polonais presentés au XVII à Congres International de Droit Compare- Utrecht 2006 (red.B. Lewaszkiewicz-Petrykowska), Wyd.Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 2006
Year 2007
- Marek Safjan, Parallels of the Polish and Lithuanian Constitutional Review, w: Constitutional Justice and the Rule of Law. International Conference held to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius, 4 September 2003. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius 2004, s. 111-123. READ ONLINE
Year 2008
- Marek Safjan, Lukasz Gorywoda, Agnieszka Janczuk-Gorywoda, Taking Collective Interest of Consumers Seriously: A View from Poland, EUI LAW; 2008/26 READ ONLINE
- Marek Safjan, Politics and Constitutional Courts A Judge’s Personal Perspective, EUI LAW; 2008/10 READ ONLINE
Year 2010
- Marek Safjan, P. Mikłaszewicz; Horizontal Effect of the General Principles of EU Law in the sphere of Private Law; (w:) European Review of Private Law; 2010; READ ONLINE
- Marek Safjan, The Universalisation of Legal Interpretation; (w:) Jemielniak J., Miklaszewicz P. (eds) Interpretation of Law in the Global World: From Particularism to a Universal Approach; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; 2010
- Marek Safjan, The Constitutional Court as a positive legislator, (w:) Rapport polonaise, XVIII Congrès Intrantional de droit comparé, Washington 2010, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 2010
Year 2011
- Marek Safjan; Aneta Wiewiórowska-Domagalska; Political Foundations of European Private Law: Rethinking the East–West Division Lines; (w:) Brownsword, Roger; Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang; Niglia, Leone; Weatherill, Stephen (red.); The Foundations of European Private Law; Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2011
- Marek Safjan i Aneta Wiewiorowska-Domagalska, Political Foundations of European Private Law: Rethinking the East-West Division Lines [in:] The Foundations of European Private Law, ed. R. Brownsword, H. Micklitz, L. Niglia and S. Weatherill, Hart Publishing, Oxford 2011
Year 2012
- Marek Safjan; Areas of Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: Fields of Conflict?; European University Institute; Florence; 2012 READ ONLINE
- Marek Safjan; The role of judicial decisions In development of medical law; (w:) Zbigniew Banaszczyk, Maria Boratynska, Witold Borysiak, Leszek Bosek, Beata Janiszewska, Marek Safian, Przemysław Sobolewski; Medical law. Cases and commentaries;wyd.1; Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2012; s. 11-17;
- Marek Safjan, Leszek Bosek ; La Personne en fin de vie. Rapprt polonais ; (w:) Le droit de la santé: aspects nouveaux, Éditions Bruylant et LB2V, r. 2012 ; s. 839-854
- Marek Safjan, Leszek Bosek ; Le droit à la vie privée et la question de l’euthanasie en Pologne ; (w:) Association Henri Capitant Journées suisses ; Le droit de la santé: aspects nouveaux ; Groupe De Boeck s.a.,- Éditions Bruylant, LB2V; Tome LIX / 2009 ; 2012; s.839-854 ;
Year 2013
- Marek Safjan; European Law versus Private Law: Transformation or Deformation of the Paradigm?; (w:) General Principles of EU Law and European Private Law; Kluwer Law International, 2013; s. 155-170
- Marek Safjan The Constitutional Court as a positive Legislator w New Millenium Constitutionalism: Paradigms of reality and challenges, Dr G.G. Harutyunyan, Erewan NJAR 2013, strony 409-428
- Marek Safjan, European Law versus Private Law: Transformation or Deformation of the Paradigm? w General Principles of Eu Law and European Private Law, U. Bernitz, X. Groussot, F. Schulyok, wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer Law&Buisiness, Holandia 2013
Year 2014
- Marek Safjan, Dominik Düsterhaus; A Union of Effective Judicial Protection- Addressing a multi-level Challenge through the lens of Article 47 CFRE; (w:) Oxford University Press; 2014; s. 1 -38; READ ONLINE
- Marek Safjan The Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in Private Law-on Actors, Vectors and Factors of Influence; (w:) (eds;) K; Purnhagen, P. Rott; Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation. Liber amicorum Hans Miklitz; Cham/Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London; Springer; 2014 READ ONLINE
Year 2015
- Marek Safjan; Central and Eastern European Constitutional Courts Facing New Challenges: Ten Years of Experience; (w:) Bobek (red.);
- Central European Judges Under the European Influence. The Transformative Power of the EU Revisited; Bloomsbury; 2015; s. 375-390;
Year 2016
- Marek Safjan, Dominik Düsterhaus, Antoine Guérin La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne et les ordres juridique nationaux, de la mise en œuvre à la mise en balance (w) Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, kwiecien-czerwiec 2016
Year 2017
- Safjan Le savant, le maitre, le créateur de la vie universitaire (w) The Past, Present and Future of Comparative Law- Le passé, le présent et le futur du droit comparé Éloge du Professeur Jean-Louis Baudouin, Springer 2017 READ ONLINE
Year 2018
- M. Safjan Independence of the judiciary as a condition of liberal democracy, BRNO, 2018
- M. Safjan La solidarité dans le pays de « Solidarność », wygłoszony w Collège de France, 18 czerwiec 2018
READ ONLINE - Marek Safjan, La bioétique dans la jurisprudence de la Cour (w) De la CECA à la Cour de l’Union: le long parcours de la justice européenne. Liber Amicorum Antonio Tizzano, G. Giappichelli Editore, Pisa 2018, s. 871-888
Year 2019
- Marek Safjan Rule of Law and the Future of Europe, Studia I Analizy SN , 2019 READ ONLINE
- M. Safjan : La nature et les conséquences de la crise constitutionnelle en Pologne, (w) Justice constitutionnelle et transition démocratique, Collection « Transition&Justice » éditée par L’Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie. Paris, 2019
Year 2020
- Marek Safjan, Rule of Law and the Future of Europe (w ) il dritto del Unione Europea n. 3/2019, takze Marek Safjan, Rzady Prawa a przyszlosc Europy, (w) Europejski Przeglad Sadowy 2019
- Marek Safjan Is it worth being a Rejtan? (w) European Law Journal – June -2020;1 4 READ ONLINE
- Marek Safjan Independence of the judiciary as a condition of liberal democracy (w) Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic, 2020 VEDA, publishing house of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2020
- Marek Safjan I Dominik Düsterhaus De l’encadrement de l’ordre public procédural des États membres à l’ordre procédural autonome de l’Union (w) The 50 th Anniversary of the European Law of Civil Procedure, Studies of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, volume 22, 1st edition 2020, eds Burkhard Hess, Koean Lenaerts.
- Marek Safjan Rule of Law and Constitutional Dialogue (w) Gerichtoshof der Europäischen Union, 29.10.2020.
- Year 2021
Marek Safjan, On symmetry: in search of an appropriate response to the crisis of the democratic state (w) Revue Il dritto de l’UE – N °2021, takze Ksiega Pamiatkowa ku czci Profesora Miroslawa Wyrzykowskiego, Warszawa 2022 - Marek Safjan, Dominik Düsterhaus, La Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne et les droits fondamentaux: Évolution méthodes, portée et réceptions p ; 39-57 (w) The protection of humen rightts through inter – and supranational jurisprudence, Comparative Law Studies Rainer Arnold (ed.) vol.14, Second Intarnational Online-Seminarr, 2021
- Marek Safjan, On Symmetry in search of an appropriate response to the crisis (w ) Law in a time of Constitutional Crisis, Studies Offered to Miroslaw Wyrzykowski edited by Jakub Urbanik, Adam Bodnar, C.H. Beck 2021, s.605-622
Year 2021
- Marek Safjan Rule of Law and the Future of Europe, Studia I Analizy SN , 2019 READ ONLINE
- M. Safjan : La nature et les conséquences de la crise constitutionnelle en Pologne, (w) Justice constitutionnelle et transition démocratique, Collection « Transition&Justice » éditée par L’Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie. Paris, 2019
Year 2022
- Marek Safjan l’identité contitutionnelle polonaise (w) Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 72, mayo-agosto 2022, pp. 371-391
Year 2023
- Marek Safjan Rapport Général Revival of the Rule of Law in Intersentia 2023 ( w publikacji )
- Marek Safjan Judicial Powers. The Judiciary in the Institutional Architecture iw) Reserch Handbook on European Constitutional Law edited by Leoanard Besselink, Nicola Lupo and Mattias Wendel 2023 (w publikacji)
- Marek Safjan The Charter of Fundamental Rights in the case law of the ECJ – regarding the significance and advantages of the functional approach edited by Alexander Heger and Moritz Malkmus Springer 2023 (w publikacji)
- M. Safjan – We Are Not Helpless (w) READ ONLINE
- M. Safjan – Unity, diversity and the language of EU law Unity diversity and the language of EU Law (w) May 2023 eulawlive READ ONLINE
Year 2024
- Safjan Evolution or revolution? Some refelctions on the constitutionalization and Europeization of private law (w) R. Szczepanik Tytul , Poznan 2024
- Safjan Effective Judicial Protection vs. Arbitration: Deconstructing the Apparent Traps and Paradoxes of the Court’s case-law on their interface (w) Ksiega pamiatkowa Liber Amicorum Lars Bay Larsen 2024
- Safjan The Charter of Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the ECJ: The Significance and Decisive Advantages of a Functional Approach (in) On the Relation between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and National Fundamental Rights (eds.) Heger, A., Malkmus, M; Springer 2004
- Safjan, Unity, diversity and the language of EU law, EU :LAW LIVE 2024
- Safjan, Restoring the Rule of Law in Poland: A Particular or a Universal Challenge?, CEU Democracy Institute, 2024